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About the Ride:

WHAT: Week long, guided trail ride (all one group, travels at a QH pace)

WHEN: September 28 - October 4, 2025

WHERE: Elkins Creek Horse Camp

WHO: Everyone! Open to all breeds & types of equines at least 4 years old. Sorry, no stallions permitted.

COST is per person & 1 equine, $425 ages 16 and over, $150 for youth ages 10 - 15, no charge for peewees age 9 and under.

     Add a $50 late fee after July 15th; Added cost for extra equine, prior approval of Ride Manager required.

INCLUDED: Catered breakfast and supper daily (bring your own lunch), campsite, 1 stall/pen/highline, daily guided ride, nightly entertainment.  Ride physician, vet & farrier on-site, fees may apply

RENTAL HORSES: Available. Must be reserved in advance. Contact Janene Jackson at 704-430-7485

SANCTION: Approved by the Appaloosa Horse Club for mileage and distance programs

EQUINE PAPERS: Coggins for all; health certificate (CIV or EECVI) dated within 30 days for out of state equines

About Elkins Creek Horse Camp:

LOCATION: Pedro, OH. Adjacent to Wayne National Forest, near Lake Vesuvius and Dean State Forest

TRAILS: Nearly 100 miles of trails with scenic views of rock formations, big timber, and varying terrain

FOOTING: Rocky in some areas; shoes or boots recommended for equines (borium/drill tec not necessary)

CAMPSITES: All sites have electric, water hydrants are available to fill tanks, and a dump station is on-site

EARLY ARRIVAL: Reservations ARE required for days before the start of the Sheltowee Ride. Contact Elkins Creek directly.  

BUNK HOUSES: There are 2 rooms, 2 cabins and 3 wagons for lodging. Contact Elkins Creek directly for rental

BATH HOUSE: Four modern, individual bathrooms with flush toilets and showers

STALLS: Covered barns with 98 stalls; some highlining will be necessary; water at barns

STALL CLEANING EQUIPMENT: A few wheelbarrows and forks available; suggest you bring your own if you have them

TACK STORE: Stall bedding $7 per bag, Grass Hay $5.00 to $7.00 per bale; Ice $3.00 per bag -- Prices subject to change

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